"You got the makings of greatness in you, but you got to take the helm
and chart your own course. Stick to it, no matter the squalls! And when
the time comes you get the chance to really test the cut of your sails,
and show what you're made of... well, I hope I'm there, catching some of
the light coming off you that day."
Ghost here, thanks for joining me today. I welcome you to another
Treasure Planet is one such retelling of a classic story. It takes the classic tale of Treasure Island but places it in space. This is one that I admittedly hear people talking about a little more lately because more people are taking a closer look at this film as opposed to when it was first released. Is this a faithful retelling of Treasure Island or was this particular idea best left forgotten?
The Story
At Doppler's house they discover that the orb is actually a star chart with every known planet out in existence including the legendary Treasure Planet, the secret fortified planet where pirate Captain Flint kept all of his treasure. Seeing this opportunity, Doppler funds an expedition complete with Captain Amelia, First Mate Mr. Arrow, and a rather dangerous looking crew. Doppler decides to take Jim with him on the voyage in the hopes that it will mature him along the way. Captain Amelia tasks Jim as the cabin boy and puts him to work under the ship's cook, a cyborg by the name of John Silver.
With Amelia hurt from the ordeal and Jim discovering that he had picked up Morph instead, Jim tries to find a sneaky way back up to the ship in orbit around the planet to track down the real treasure map. Along the way he runs into a robot named BEN who has completely lost his memory banks. The pair of them hijack one of the pirate longboats and make their way back to orbit and retrieve the treasure map. Upon returning to camp, however, Jim discovers far too late that Silver and his gang have taken the Captain and Doppler captive as Silver takes the map from Jim's hands.
As BEN, the Captain, and Doppler celebrate Jim's work, he notices that Silver is missing. Going below deck he finds Silver trying to escape on a long boat. Silver offers to take Jim with him so the pair could explore the stars together but Jim said he was going to choose his own path because a crazy old cyborg once told him that's exactly what he should do. The pair embrace as Jim let's Silver go. The movie ends with everyone celebrating Jim's graduation from the academy as he looks outside to see that the clouds have formed into the shape of Silver smiling down at Jim's achievements.
What's Good About It?

One thing I really enjoyed was the slight changes they made to Jim Hawkins. In the original book, Jim was just a young naive nice boy but in this one he was a troubled teenager always getting into trouble who had a chip on his shoulder. Why was this a good change? Well first off it showed real growth and change in the character that made an impact. However what it also did was fully embrace what people were going to think anyway. A young man by the name of Jim running around in the future who ends up going on a journey through space and becomes an officer? The parallels to James T. Kirk and Star Trek were bound to happen and it was nice to see Disney fully embrace the similarities and run with them.

Whats Bad Weak About It.
The last time I used change the word bad to weak was for my Lost Horizon review. I'd like to go ahead and say that this is nowhere near as good as Lost Horizon but I feel that this is deserving of the "weak" title instead for a completely different reason.
With the exception of the three things I mentioned above (Jim and Silver's relationship, the changes made to Jim's character, and the art choice) everything else about this movie is....just okay. There's nothing outstanding going on but at the same time there's nothing to wave an annoyed finger at either. It's all passable and decently good. The other character such as Doppler, Amelia, Arrow, and the pirates get their job done while being decent characters though nothing really fresh or new. BEN is your classic annoying Disney side character who shouts a lot but he's only in the last 20 minutes of the movie and I've seen far more annoying side characters than him. The story follows the book enough and only takes liberties when necessary to fit the space theme it has been set in. There's' not really much else to say about it because there's not much that stands out to really talk about all that much.
Final Thoughts
There are people out there of the opinion that if the majority of a film is "good but not that memorable" it's kind of the worst sin imaginable. While I do agree that not being too incredibly noteworthy is a big problem for a film I don't think this applies to Treasure Planet. While I couldn't talk that much about any parts other than the three good ones, those three good points are done exquisitely. I always remember this version of Treasure Island because of the strange atmosphere, the relationship that seems real and the changes made to Jim. They make the film a very pleasant experience. If the thought of Treasure Island in space with a bit more weirdness and a bit more heart in it sounds appealing to you then pick up a copy and see what all those buzzfeed lists have been talking about when they mention this film.This is Ghost, fading into the darkness
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